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9/22/24 A.M. 9/15/24 P.M. 9/15/24 A.M.
9/8/24 P.M. 9/8/24 A.M. 9/1/24 P.M. 9/1/24 A.M. 8/25/24 P.M. 8/25/24 A.M. 8/18/24 P.M. 8/18/24 A.M. 8/11/24 P.M. 8/11/24 A.M. 8/4/24 P.M. 8/4/24 A.M. 7/28/24 P.M. 7/28/24 A.M. 7/21/24 P.M. 7/21/24 A.M. 7/14/24 P.M. 7/14/24 A.M. 7/7/24 A.M. 6/30/24 P.M. 6/30/24 A.M. 6/23/24 A.M. 6/16/24 A.M. 6/2/24 P.M. 6/2/24 A.M. 5/26/24 P.M. 5/26/24 A.M. 5/19/24 P.M. 5/19/24 A.M. 5/12/24 P.M. 5/12/24 A.M. 5/5/24 P.M. 5/5/24 A.M. 4/28/24 P.M. 4/28/24 A.M. 3/31/24 P.M.
3/31/24 A.M. 3/24/24 P.M. 3/24/24 A.M. 3/17/24 P.M. 3/17/24 A.M. 3/10/24 P.M. 3/10/24 A.M. 3/3/24 P.M. 3/3/24 A.M. 2/25/24 P.M. 2/25/24 A.M. 2/18/24 P.M. 2/18/24 A.M. 2/11/24 P.M. 2/11/24 A.M. 2/4/24 P.M. 2/4/24 A.M. 1/28/24 P.M. 1/28/24 A.M. 1/21/24 P.M. 1/21/24 A.M. 1/14/24 P.M. 1/14/24 A.M. 1/7/24 P.M. 1/7/24 A.M. |
James 2:1-13 2025 New Year's Sermon James 1:17-27 Why Did My Savior Come to Earth? James 1:9-16 Regret, Repentance, and Obedience James 1:1-8 The Life of the Redeemed Involves Sin Who Is Worthy To Be Praised (Psalm 18:3) Become Like Little Children in What Way? (Matt. 18:1-5) Strength Under Control I Choose Love The False Doctrine of Original Sin and Why It's Harmful The Most Valuable Things on Earth (Matt. 13:44) There is No Spiritual Safety in Denominations There's Work on Every Hand The Sin of Keeping Company with Wayward Christians Are All People Today Under the Same Law Before God? The Deadliest Event in Mankind's History Studying For Judgment Day Whoever Believes Is Given The Right to BECOME a Child of God Is it a Sin to Worship God with Mechanical Instruments? What A Gathering That Will Be (Matthew 25) Balaam, the Prophet Who Traded His Soul for Money God's Design for Local Church Membership Oh What Vanity IF We Are Not Right With God Jesus Christ and the Multitudes That Throng Him The Miraculous Working of the Holy Spirit Honoring Our Sin Sacrifice A Sermon On The One Talent Man. Whatever You Do, Do Something Let Him Be to You Like a Heathen and a Tax Collector (Matt. 18:17)
A Further Look Into Our Incorruptible Bodies (1. Corinthians 15) Election Season is Coming: How to Save our Nation Temporary Struggles in a Temporary Body Dare to Be A Daniel The Three Bible Ages Drunkenness, Revelries, and the Like (Gal. 5:21) The Bible Church God Wants You, But Do You Want God? Is the King James the Only Reliable English Translation of the Bible? (Part 2) Is the King James the Only Reliable English Translation of the Bible? (Part 1) How to Let Christians Help When You've Asked for Strength If You Follow the Bible, You Will Offend Many People What Can I Do For God? (1. Chronicles 16:7-36) I Know How To Be Abased and I Know How To Abound (Phil. 4:12) Seeking First The Kingdom Is There Ever a Reason to Get Rebaptized? I Still Have Many Things To Say To You, But You Cannot Bear Them Now - John 16:12
Can a Person Today Worship God With Instruments of Music by Faith? The Church of Christ Which Cannot Be Destroyed What's In The Water? Who I Want To Be In Heaven Is Irrelevant Braided Hair & Jewelry Servant Or Son? Why is it Permissable for a Woman to Speak in a Bible Class But Not in a Worship Service? Bondage, Wilderness, Reward Women's Head Coverings: Why is 1 Corinthians 11 "cultural" but 1 Timothy 2 is not "cultural"? The Faith Is Like A Cookie Recipe Why Can't We Just Say We Don't Know What Started The Universe? Balancing God's Work & Enjoyment of Blessings Confidence In The Circle I Think I'll Be Baptized Then Go Back to My Denomination One God. One Church. (Ephesians 4:3-6) He Is Risen. So What? (Re-preach) Approve The Things That Are Excellent (Phil. 1:10) Let Us Eat And Drink For Tomorrow We Die (1 Corinthians 15:32) A Careful Study on the Sin of Heresy (Gal. 5:20) PART 2 A Careful Study on the Sin of Heresy (Gal. 5:20) PART 1 Jeremiah 5 - Great New Testament Themes The Tree Planted By The River (Jeremiah 17:5-8) Heaven, The Ultimate Reward 2. Thessalonians, Chapter 3 Endeavoring To Be An Authentic Christian What Would You Do If You Came Back From Torments? 2. Thessalonians, Chapter 2 2. Thessalonians, Chapter 1 Philippians 4:13 - I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me 1. Thessalonians, Chapter 5 1. Thessalonians, Chapter 4 1. Thessalonians, Chapter 3 1. Thessalonians, Chapter 2 1 Thessalonians, Chapter 1 Come As You Are And Leave Completely Changed I Never Told Them They Could Do That The Strictness of God in Times Past Reveals the Strictness of God Today They Always Go Astray In Their Hearts (Hebrews 3:10) Pope Francis and His View on Homosexual Marriage If All Of Humanity Could Hear One Sermon |